Bee Gees legend Barry Gibb worked on a protest song back in 2002 with Michael Jackson.Gibb has uploaded video of the collaboration of the song titled 'All In Your Name'. It was thought to have been written as a protest song in response to the Iraq War but Gibb says in his notes that it was a 'message Michael wanted to send to his fans'."Michael Jackson and I were the dearest of friends," Gibb wrote in the info for the YouTube clip. "We gravitated towards the same kind of music and we loved collaborating and he was the easiest person to write with. The more we got to know each other the more those ideas entwined, and it all came to this song ... I hope and pray that we all get to hear it in its entirety."Jackson wrote the first draft of the song and took it to Gibb in Miami. They recorded it in 2002.Watch it below: